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How to Pay Your Collaborators with Venice Splits

Written by
Venice Team

Independent musicians carry a tremendous amount of creative planning, time management, and dedication when bringing on a music collaboration to life. However, amidst the flurry of the back-and-forth and creating, royalty splits and agreements can easily be overlooked. Fortunately, there's a simple, hands-off solution to help ensure you're executing fair and mutually beneficial royalty payouts. This crucial step in your collaboration is where we come in. Here's how. 

Pay Your Collaborators for Free With Venice Splits 

Venice cares about ALL artists and producers, regardless of membership status, which is why Venice collaborators receive free support and payouts. Unlike other distributors, your collaborators don't need a Venice account to get paid their share. 

Collaborator Splits (Blog Graphics)

How Collaborator Splits Work

Venice members can invite a collaborator who is owed royalties by selecting the 'Enter Splits' option on the track in the Release Summary page, From here, you'll add your partner's name and email. The collaborator will receive an email invitation to create and log into their free contributor Venice account to link their Stripe Account for payment. We'll then automate the process of managing your splits and payouts and ensure your collaborators receive payment monthly so you don't have to manage. 

Free Collaborator Support 

After distributing your song, you or your collaborator may have questions about the delivery and royalty payouts of your release. When this happens, it's vital to have knowledgeable, on-hand support to ensure you're taken care of. Choosing a music distributor like Venice that offers free collaborator support will save you headaches in the long run. Rather than middle-manning between Venice and your collaborator, your collaborator can reach out to Venice Support directly for assistance. 

Ensure Fair Payment with our Split Sheet Template

Before you distribute your collaborative song, we recommend sitting down with your partners to fill out a Split Sheet. Split Sheets are vital written agreements that identify all contributors to a song and their respective ownership percentages. Understanding these percentages is crucial as they determine how royalties will be distributed between song collaborators. Once all creators sign, the split sheet becomes legally binding. This prevents disagreements and confusion surrounding royalty splits further down the road and should be filled out and signed before your song is released or used commercially. 

Download our free Split Sheet template below to have on hand:

Split Sheet Template Blog Image-page-001-3


Start Distributing Your Song Collaborations

It's time for your collaborators to get paid without having to pay. Receive free collaborator support and splits, unlimited audio and video distribution, and more starting at $59/year.


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